Although I was a little overwhelmed last week I really felt like I walked away with some great information. I am now prepared no matter what we find out when she arrives. We will be getting one more ultrasound at 34 weeks, so maybe they will be able to see even more.
LeAnn took some time at the hospital to walk us through bottle feeding our little one, just in case she is not able to breastfeed. Some great things I thought that she shared is that I should allow her to try anyway, as it makes her feel like she is accomplishing things. It broke my heart when LeAnn told me that Grace will come out after practicing to eat for nine months, thinking that she has it down, and when it becomes hard for her, she will wonder what I am doing wrong, because she won't understand that it just won't work for her. I will still do the best I can and work on getting that connection and letting her know that she is doing a great job! The bottles are a little difficult, and I hope to remember all of the pieces and "little tricks".
She also gave us some information sheets that you can find online at their website: we are on to deciding on a surgeon. It is a very difficult decision. I have created a spreadsheet with all of the facts about each surgeon, history, awards, peoples recommendations. I think we are going to go and meet Dr. Morales as I have heard great things about him, and then maybe follow up with Dr. Warnock if we don't find a connections with Dr. Morales. (these are personal opinions although I am sure all doctors up there are great). I will keep you updated on the process, but I highly recommend before you have a surgery to really research your doctor, look at pictures, and ask people what their experiences have been. I will give more information soon!